Blog2010 ≫ Top five Belle and Sebastian tracks on Ping (Apple iTunes)

itunes ping you have messed up!

  1. I'm a Cuckoo

  2. The Boy With the Arab Strap

  3. Piazza, New York Catcher

  4. Funny Little Frog

  5. Step Into My Office, Baby

iTunes Ping has got some catching up to do I think!

Everyone else is complaining about the artist it recommendedthey follow when they first turned Ping on in the new version of iTunes (iTunes 10), seems to be the same officially sanctioned list for everyone. Will see how this develops, it is a lot like I think, I like but I don't have any loyalty to it, it was just a service I provided info to really.

If You're Feeling Sinister is still my favourite Belle and Sebastian album, it being the one that got me into them. I think you're meant to say Tigermilk really, but just being honest. I do have Tigermilk, I think I got it before you did (a bootleg from someone who bought the original, or someone who knew someone who did), but If You're Feeling Sinister still holds a special place. On our wall actually. Someone on Mastermind had Belle and Sebastian as their specialist subject today, I meant to rewind and watch this when I tuned in late and found out, but did not get around to it yet. Watched Vexed, which I think is ace, and then that Home Movie show with Kirsty Wark and Dan Cruikshank. They were not here, with me, they present that show and I watched it.

Clare is out tonight, on the razzle-dazzle, as we have a friend visiting.

UPDATE: Oh, and I can't "like" anything by Suede or The Beatles as they're not in the iTunes store, hmm... Reminding me of this news story1, the lead story in the real paper version of The Onion2 when we were in the americas on our honeymoon I think.

I'm rambling now.

⬅️ :: ➡️

Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in A small town. Wed + father to 2, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do mostly js / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.