Smashing weather a nice break
It's been a lovely weekend, have fitted a lot in. A lot of lazing about really, but still. I took a half day from work on Friday and we had lunch at The Tiger Inn. No-one thought much of their food this time around but it was nice to be sitting down together and having a bit of a relax. Saturday water babies started up again after a half term break, I think the boy had forgotten everything we'd done over the past two terms but he was a bit tired too. Went straight from their for a big day out. We nearly always go to Canterbury on a Saturday so for a change thought we'd try Broadstairs. Had a slow old journey there because of roadworks and general business of everyone heading to the coast, so as we were passing through anyway decided to stop in Ramsgate to get lunch at Pizza Express. Different town, same old chains, but at least it's reliable and they're good with babies. The boy's eating a bit of everything at the moment so he dived into both of our lunches. Then on to Broadstairs.
I'd not been to Broadstairs before, but it's nice, we will go back again. There look to be some nice pubs, felt like being on holiday. We walked along the prom and had an actual independent coffee somewhere. Not so many chains in Broadstairs but there are a few names like Prezzo and Osteria Posillipo that are familiar from Canterbury.
The boy was staying at Granny's so we could go out for the night, but we didn't quite have the energy in the end. I originally planned to go to We popped in to The Pullman as it had reopened and it's very nice. The vibe is more like a hotel bar, up market, not the dive it used to be, someone has spent a lot of money on it. Aimed at a slightly older clientelle, but then these days I am older clientelle. Best of all they had four real ales, I will be going back there again.
We only stopped for one, then went to Chambers and bumped into a couple of people I know which was nice. I felt very popular. Chambers is always good, but Chris the landlord seemed to be having quite a hard time of it running around the place, like they were short staffed. I just about managed not to offer a hand. If I'd had the time and energy for any work this weekend there was plenty on offer at our place, everyone was manning the phones again.
Today we had a lovely barbecue at Dom and Jen's, getting gently sozzled in the sun. I had a great time, though we had to leave early as Clare is out this evening at Escondido. What gadabouts we are. Though the weather was a bit patchier today than yesterday, I got a bit sunburnt unfortunately.
The boy is in bed, and I am eating delicious cold barbecue leftovers and wonder what to watch on TV. I did have plans to do some work on expanding my map and pub / restaurant database a bit more; I always have ideas, but when I get the time sat down in front of the computer I can never quite be bothered... There was a programme on in the week about someone growing all their own fruit and veg in a normal sized back garden that I quite fancy tracking down...
One last point, all the doom and gloom of our buyer pulling out overtook last week's good news; Clare got a job. She starts part time this week at the National Trust in Dover, well done her!
⬅️ Freshly prepared food? Try frozen! :: And the house is back on ➡️
Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe in the deep South. Wed to Clare and dad to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home-automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.