Forthcoming Lone Star Comedy Club events

FG ≫ 2010 ≫ Forthcoming Lone Star Comedy Club events

Lone Star Comedy Club at Lanterns Saturday, here's what's coming up too...

Dates for shows at the Lanterns in Rendevous Street - each show will feature a minimum of four stand-up comedians, hand picked from the UK comedy Circuit. There is a full bar and table service for drinks and food is always available.

Price 9 per person or 15 with food

Book Online at At the Lanterns in Rendevous Street Call Lanterns on 01303 223364 Call Lonestar on 07771 796445 E- Mail

Saturday 24th April, Headliner James Dowdeswell - is a real master of the comedians craft. It is a genuine pleasure to be in the company of this master gag smith for an hour, an experience that few should really pass up. Chortle

Friday 25th June, Headliner Steve Hall - direct from supporting Russell Howard and the We are Clang TV series - This is stand-up as it should be: snappy and smart, occasionally nasty, and always funny The List

Saturday 24th July, Headliner Andy White - Had me exercising my pelvic floor muscles to avoid an accident Karen Slater, BBC

Saturday 25th September, Headliner Ben Norris - acerbic attitude, a well-stocked arsenal of sharp lines and the wherewithal to work any crowd make Norris one of the most engaging and enjoyable comics on the circuit Chortle

Saturday 30th October, Headliner Patrick Monohan - He moves around the stage like a boxer working a ring, covering all angles and staying light on his feet. He is a walking advert for world harmony. Hearts will be broken, socks will be laughed off. - The Scottish Herald

Saturday 27th November, Headliner Phil Butler -Phil brought the house down with a truly original and riotous act of visual comedy The Mirror

Saturday 18th December, Headliner Barry Castagnola - A confident, likeable comic ... its his self deprecating bemusement at his own diary entries, overblown song lyrics, home videos and vintage possessions that provides the hilarity Metro

Full details of all the acts performing at each show will be available online at You can also follow us on Facebook by joining the Lonestar Comedy Group or Twitter at lonestarcomedy

A series of other Lonestar comedy events in Folkestone.

Book - Unless otherwise advised below Online at Call Lonestar on 07771 796445 Email

Friday 28th May Folkestone Young Guns - Part of the Folkestone Comedy Festival Lonestar has selected six top newcomers from the circuit and brought them together at the Quarterhouse for your enjoyment. Come along and vote for your favourite on the night and see the excellent Trevor Lock compere and deliver a headline set - Trevor Lock is Superb The Stage5 if purchased with a ticket to Chris Addison on the same night, 7 Stand-alone. Book online at

Thursdays 10th June, 16th September, 11th NovemberLonestar Comedy at EscondidoSuperb Mexican meal followed by top Stand-up Comedy. Menu - Nachos, fajitas (chicken, duck or mushroom and spinach) some sangria plus Four great comedians 19.95 to book call Escondido on 01303 246624

Thursday 10th June The amazing Milton Jones - Lanterns Come and see the Multi award winning star from Mock the Week and Radio 4s another case of Milton Jones in the intimate atmosphere of the Lanterns. King of the surreal one liners The Times The Best one line merchant in British Comedy Chortle12.50 or 18.50 with Curry

Wednesday 16th June Edinburgh Fringe Preview - LanternsAndi Osho She was a class act; funny and charming and engagingLaughing House and Kent Valentine is a comedy locomotive with a captivating storytelling style mixed with brutally hilarious honesty.- Triple M 5 or 11 with food

Wednesday 6th October Jarard Christmas UK tour - LanternsBest of the crop...A Fabulously boisterous Kiwi With a definite future Evening Standard ,Human Red Bull Time Out10 or 16 with food

Friday 12th November Andrew ONeil UK Tour - LanternsAn increasingly distinctive, imaginative act... brilliant, genuinely unexpected lines are added to the mix. At this rate, it wont be long until hes huge Chortle8 or 14 with food

Dec 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16 Xmas Party Nights at the LanternsPackage includes: Live Music on arrival, Full Xmas Carvery 3 Courses, bottle of wine, Two top Comedians, Dancing to until 2.00am,39.95 per person tables available for up to 10 people

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This is my site The Folkestone Gerald that I built in a fury of excitement when we first moved here in approximately 2004. I'd been a frequent visitor for a while previous to that so I am technically one of those DFLs you get now. This site was updated more frequently with a calendar of events + voting for favourite places and things, + I hear it was a useful resource for others who were moving here. Now Iʼve moved out of Folkestone again (though just a couple of miles) it doesnʼt get as much attention as it used to. Ironic really as Folkestone itself is now becoming the exciting place we knew it was just about to. My name is not Gerald BTW, this comes from the name of a fake paper in an episode of The Day Today or something, the Portsmouth Gerald, + how there is a local newspaper here called the Folkestone Herald. Puns like this are great arenʼt they? Do get in touch if you have anything to offer, email anythign @ this domain, or try @folkestone or @pauly on Twitter.