Blog2010 ≫ More vino

we did not open that wine in the end.

Clare did not open that Peter Lehman 1 in the end, she took my cold into consideration, my taste buds have been shot... I did not even try any of the Roggeri Barolo 1 that was out for tasting in Karl's. Maybe next weekend.

Had a nice valentines day, took a walk down town as we do not have any real shopping to do any more (getting it delivered instead). Clare bought me a Rubiks Revenge 1 which I have made good progress on. I figure you just have to get the centre squares done, then line up all the edges into pairs, and then it's just like a normal rubiks cube. Have got all but three of the edges done and now am a bit stumped, so might have to just start again. One big difference with this (apart from it being 4x4) is that you can move the centres, so you have to watch out for that. On a 3x3 rubiks cube 1 the centres will always be right relative to each other, but on a 4x4 you mess them up too.

I did some perl today for the first time in a while, kind of. Helping to debug some ancient script that was in use at work, we just changed mail servers and it suddenly stopped playing. Before I joined Holiday Extras perl was just about all I did. I would not choose to use it now, though I still have plenty of my own to maintain.

Thinking about revisiting my @ticketbot code after discussions I've had today, maybe not for twitter this time.

Trains have been messed up again for a few days, so I've been driving in again, but at least the boy is well and Clare is well and my cold is going too. Back on the train tomorrow, don't let me down!

Feel I should have more to say after a few days without posting. But no. I will save my film reviews for another time.

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Wed + dad to 2, I'm a full stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages etc. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.