Went to Canterbury, lovely, poor boy was sick when we got home though :-(
Went to water babies as normal this morning despite my cold. It was good, three under water "swims" from The boy. Only two other parents and babies in this week, two more were out through illness. So lots of space in the pool but less voices in the singing.
Went to Canterbury afterwards, almost no snow at all when we got there. Lovely day, lunch in Pizza Express then quite a bit of grazing round the shops buying stuff I'm not sure we needed. Got a Plantagenet Omrah Shiraz 1 from Karl's and a Les Clos de Paulilles 1 for something a bit different. The boy's been a bit off his food all day, only had half of each meal really. He was sucking on a biscuit after his half finished tea at home, and he spewed up everything he'd eaten, blee. He seemed cheery enough right after, hope that's the end of it. Sofa is possibly ruined. I got the cover off the bit he'd vommed on, it is dry clean only but I have rinsed it off. Bet it's shrunk or discoloured now. Fingers crossed he will have a good night's sleep anyway. Clare had a bug in the week and was sick a couple of times, but it passed quite quickly.
Stayed up too late last night watching TV. Sank two bottles of wine between us, oops. It's partly of not drinking in the week and then getting overexcited when the weekend comes around. Absolutely going to do the same thing tonight though, more quality less quantity though. We have a Peter Lehman Shiraz 1 in the cupboard that is basically too good for just drinking, it wants an occasion, it's quite fancy for us. Clare kept saying "when are we going to open it?" "you're never going to open it" etc, so I bought her one of her own. Now she has one she can open whenever she likes and I'll still have the one in the cupboard, and she's decided to open it tonight. Lovely! Happy (early) Valentines day to us both
Bit of a vino-tastic post that, sorry. More The boy next time!
⬅️ Expensive bottle of wine on the tasting table at Karl's this weekend :: RE: Starbucks closing on the 17th of Jan (2010) - 13284 ➡️
Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe in the far South. Married + father to two, I am a full stack web engineer, and I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home-automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.