Blog2009 ≫ Went to Bluewater

Just updating the blog with how I did not see Ozzy...

Fairly quiet weekend apart from going to Bluewater.

Friday, got back from FOWA fairly late. Got the high speed again, didn't seem quite as fast this time, but at least I timed it right. Thursday I just missed the fast train to Folkestone, had to wait an hour for one to Ashford and then be picked up from there :-(

I have lots of notes from FOWA itself that I will write up, so not got much to say about FOWA until I've done that. I do tend to write notes and then never write them up so my thoughts may never see the light of day...

Bluewater made a nice change, met up with some friends there and had lunch in Leon 1, then a bit of a pootle round. Saw a big queue around the shopping centre, turns out Ozzy Osbourne was doing a signing at Bluewater. Sort of wish I'd known and got organised and gone early, but I don't suppose it would have been practical. He was behind screens in Waterstones, there was no way to see him without being part of the signing experience. Stopped for tea in the John Lewis cafe (we did, Ozzy probably did not) and went to their new food hall, it's like a super Waitrose. Check out their wine department, they have that Stonewell Shiraz 2 a pound cheaper than we've seen it anywhere else. Got some nice bits for tea and headed home without doing any real shopping.

Bluewater was crazy busy. Took us ages to park when we got there, and we say a bit of congestion on the way out. Nothing like the trouble our friends had, seems to have taken them about four hours to get home, I await full details.

Been tired all day today, so not done much. Went for a walk with The boy along The Leas to find they've dug the whole place up! Southern Water are going to be fitting some kind of storm drain overflow under it so the whole length of The Leas is a building site for the next six months. Lovely!


Just me and The boy on the walk, Clare suspects she has broken her toe. It's a lot better today, but taking it to the hospital tomorrow just to check.

Chilli for tea, it's in already, then the new series of House, a double episode opener...

  1. Removed old link here.
  2. Removed old link here.

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone, Kent. Wed to Clare and dad to 2, I'm a full-stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.