Blog2009 ≫ GOOD holiday in Canterbury

Lovely weekend, House Of Agnes is a great hotel.

Went on holiday! Sort of. Celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary in style yesterday, went to Canterbury for a day and a night, leaving the boy with granny. We stayed at House of Agnes1 in the Canterbury room2 and it's ace, I heartily recommend it. It's a great location and a smashing old building. We parked at the hotel (tight squeeze through their gate from St Dunstans Road into their surprisingly massive back garden, gate ws built for horses really), and went straight for a quick picnic lunch in Greyfriars gardens. Next tried to get Clare a pudding in the new Carluccio's, but it was full, no seats to be had, so we had coffees in Nero instead. Good to see Carluccio's heaving, I wondered if it might be a bit tucked away there. Our first adults only trip to Canterbury, not having to drive any more and we did not start on the booze straight away, what an oversight! Rectified this by going to Karl's and ordering a bittle to have in. Very good Plantaganet Cabernet Sauvignon3. Sat on the sofa there for half a bottle then moved into the courtyard as it became free. Took the remainder of the bottle back to the hotel to get changed for the evening.

The hotel is right by a pub I'd been meaning to check out for ages The Unicorn, award winning apparently, a nice traditional style boozer, with a bar billiards table. Haven't played that in a long time, good fun, and an idea for the future if we don't ever have room to put the pool table back together... then on to dinner! Had vouchers for a meal deal Prezzo from so celebrated by adding a bottle of Prosecco to the order. Very nice dinner. Then a cheeky half in The Thomas Beckett another one I don't think I'd been in, then back to the hotel.

Good cooked breakfast in the hotel so didn't need a lunch today, so collected the boy (of course he'd missed us, and we him), shopped then went into Folkestone for coffee this afternoon.

A very good weekend. Chilli for tea and then maybe a Midsomer Murders. The boy didn't even mind his bath today, a result!

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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Wed + dad to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubbing, parkrun, restaurants, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + time travel.