Blog2009 ≫ Back to front weekend

Lunched in Canterbury on SUNDAY, how mad are we???

Had an estate agent round to take pictures of the flat on Saturday, which completely changed the shape of the weekend. Saturday morning we mostly tidied up for this event, then I took little one out while the pictures were taken. I expected him to need to move things around in the flat a bit more, but no, he said it was all good, one slight change was to move the dirty pants out of shot but apart from that we won't be misrepresenting ourselves too badly when the house is marketed. Still waiting on the HIP before we start for real, solicitor sent the wrong forms so we've been slowed down a bit. The ball is back in my court now, but instead of using this spare time to rush to the post room with the newly completed forms, I'm blogging about it.

Decided to go to Canterbury on Sunday with Dom and Jen, to make up for not going out on Saturday and it was really nice. They drove, we had lunch in Prezzo with both the babies and they behaved impeccably. Tried Zizzi at first, was empty, four staff milling about but no-one to seat us. We waited a bit, but couldn't be arsed with waiting too long so they missed the business. ( UPDATE: I got those the wrong way round at first, sorry!) Went in Karl's, spent too much on wine but then watched that documentary on Berry Bros on iplayer later and realised that in the grand scheme of things I had not spent a statistically significant sum.

We've had about a week of bad bath times with little one, he's stopped enjoying them, he seems to be more tired at the bath time of day now. It does mean though that he goes to sleep and stays asleep after his bath. We had about 7 hours last night between feeds, good boy! Also this weekend he's discovered sucking his thumb - maybe not a massive developmental leap but it was very cute to see when I went to wake him up on Sunday morning. Means he can self soothe now and will hopefully wake up crying less.

Didn't have anything for lunch in today so it looks like it's emergency Bombay Bad Boy time. Unfortunately I've been snacking on crisps all morning, as was Dan 1's birthday at the weekend so he brought in goodies. I can cancel it all out with some fruit though I'm sure

  1. Removed old link here.

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Married to Clare and father to two, I am a full stack web developr, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home-automation and other diy stuff, history, family tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.