missing gig info

FG ≫ 2009 ≫ missing gig info

A date for your diary - the last Thursday of every month, 7pm-11pm at Folkestone's famous Sandgate Comedy Club

Thursday 28th May 2009 featuring...

Ali Cook

Ali performs magic with a mischievous and surreal attitude. He has written and performed seven of his own TV series in the last few years.

Star of Channel 4's Dirty Tricks.

"Funny, sharp and interesting. A real rising star" - Christian O'Connell Virgin Radio

"The next big thing" - The Sunday Times

See Ali's website for more information about Ali Cook.

Erich McElroy

Erich started doing stand-up here in Britain five years ago and has performed regularly on the London circuit. Originally from Seattle, he was a performer with the sketch group 'Up in Your Grill', and has a degree in acting. He has been resident MC of The Comedy Tree in London for five years.

Erich writes for the weekly satirical 'The Comedy Tree News' which lampoons life in the UK and topical news headlines for the last five years. Erich's writings can be found on The Comedy Tree website.

Kevin Dewsbury

As soon as he steps on stage the audience quickly realise they are in the company of a natural born performer, his material ranges from storytelling, observations on daily life and killer one liners, he is also faultless at mimicking accents. Due to his impeccable comic timing Kevin is guaranteed to leave crowds wanting more of his top-notch humour and because of this, he was snapped up to perform at the Edinburgh Festival in the sell out Big Value Comedy Late Show 2004 and has recently completed a national tour with 'Joke Machine' Tim Vine. He is also constantly sought after for his acting work, most recently appearing in an advert for Natwest Student Bank Accounts and is currently working on a television project with Perrier Newcomer Will Hodgson.

"Sheer talent will win you over in one click of his comedy fingers' Time Out

5 entry for door entrance

19.95 for three course dinner and entertainment (includes door entry)

Pre-booking is advisable due to popularity of event

To book for dinner call 01303 220444 or email comedy@sandgatehotel.com


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This is my site The FG that I built in a fury of excitement when I first came here in approximately 2004. I'd been a frequent visitor for a while previous to that but I am technically one of those Down From Londons you get now. This site was updated more frequently with a gig calendar + voting for best venues + things, and I hear it was a useful reference for those who were thinking of moving here. Now Iʼve moved out of Folkestone again (though just a couple of miles) it doesnʼt get as much love as it used to. Ironic really as The town is now becoming the exciting place we knew it was just about to. My name is not Gerald BTW, the name comes from a pretend newspaper in an episode of Brasseye or something, the Portsmouth Gerald, and how there is a local newspaper here called the Folkestone Herald. Puns like this are great arenʼt they? Do get in touch if you have something to contribute, email anythign @ this domain, or try @folkestone or @pauly on Twitter.