Get free calls to the USA, and maybe earn yourself a prize in some mad pyramid scheme too...
How does this work, 1? Sounds like they're setting up 0870 numbers that reroute an overseas number you give them over the internets, so that if you have a call package that gives free calls to 0870 numbers (are BT offering this?) then you can call the USA free without needing to set it up yourself, or skype, or anything.
BT have announced that, from 16th January, calls to 0870 numbers will be free of charge for customers who have a bundle which covers that time of day - i.e. all day, every day for BT Unlimited Anytime customers, down to free at weekends for BT Unlimited Weekend customers.
Also if you sign up and you sign other people up and they make calls, then everyone's a winner (in a mad economy collapsing pyramid style scheme)!
Introduce friends and earn points when they make calls as well, and you'll even earn points when people that they introduce make calls. As an example, if you introduce 10 people, and they each introduce 10 people, and everyone makes 200 minutes of calls through their 0870 numbers in a month, you'll earn over 20,000 points: enough to get a free 3G iPhone in about three months.
join up here 1, or use my referrer
(/wiki/#code) 625 when you join up - you get free calls and I get an [iphone](/wiki/#iphone)! I think that means there are 625 people signed up so far, that doesn't sound enough for ANYONE to be getting a free [iphone](/wiki/#iphone) any time soon... At least it's free to try.
Seriously interested in other people's views here before I try this though, so what do you think?
UPDATE: [Sounds to me like BT are blocking this](/m/12144) :-(
⬅️ 'baywatch - battle of the console tables update :: Two gigs in one year, what is going on? ➡️
Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Married to Clare and dad to two, I am a full stack web engineer, + I do javascript / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home-automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.