Blog2008 ≫ Bumping into friends in London

KERRAZY, went to London last weekend and it was smashing, and we bumped into good chums Ralph and Linda and baby Astrid in GAP, what are the chances of that? OK, we had already arranged to meet up with them earlier that day at Pain Quotidien, which was also very nice, but then to meet again was a coincidence. We did both have discount vouchers for GAP, I think everyone in the country did last weekend, it's all gone a bit crazy. We really did need to buy some baby clothes as christmas presents though, so we do seem to have genuinely saved 30% there.

Rest of the trip was great too, went up early on the train, shopped a bit. Hamleys was absolute chaos, an escalator broke down and the store was at a standstill, crowded like a moshpit. Thought about shouting "FIRE! FIRE! EVERYONE OUT!!!", but thinking about it now that would not have helped anyone. Met Emma for lunch in [fg]Soho Thai[fg], we even booked, but there was only one other table occupied. Very good food though, delicious. Went almost straight from there to Pain Quotidien for coffee, then shopped a bit more, then stopped for a mulled wine in The Crown and Two Chairmen, and reminisced about the time we saw a Ricky Gervais standup gig there. Ambled gently back towards Charing Cross, and stopped for our now semi regular London dinner of Pizza Express near the station. Splendid again, not as good as lunch but Pizza Express is always reliable.

Great weekend, looking forward to doing it all again. Busy at work this week, but planning an ace weekend out with my folks this weekend.

Still going through my CD's, with a view to getting rid of them all, it's a very slow process. Some of those I thought might have some value now seemingly don't, like Terrorvision's Thrive EP, so I'm probably just going to bring them to work, say 1 each (apart from the first Darkness single) and charity shop the rest :-( It's the end of an era but it will clear some space.

⬅️ :: ➡️

Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Wed + father to two, I am a full stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.