Mysterious young entrepreneur secures local support

FG ≫ 2008 ≫ Mysterious young entrepreneur secures local support

Hmm got emailed this today and thought "I recognise that chap", he used to work at our place. Read the whole press release though, have you any idea what the business is? The accompanying pictures show our Dan stood next to a painted lady (literally, a lady with paint on her) but I still can't work it out.


YOUNG ENTREPRENEUR SECURES LOCAL SUPPORT DEATAILS: Young Folkestone businessman, Dan Catt, has found his way around the Monopoly Board of becoming a successful entrepreneur with his promotions business "Pure Body Promotions".

Although he has only just started Dan, aged 20, has gained the support of a number of local organisation that support his type of initiative.

Dan visited the young people's information centre, C@fe IT on Grace Hill in Folkestone, to find out how he could go about starting his own business. There he met Kent County Council Youth Worker, Steve Chambers, who advised Dan to contact The Kent Foundation.

Dan is now undertaking a Test Trading scheme with The Kent Foundation. Dan gets financial support for twelve weeks during which time he will be testing and promoting his service throughout Kent.

The Kent Foundation Director, Paul Barron, said:

"We aim to support young people with the potential to become successful entrepreneurs. We cannot do this alone though, Dan is also obtaining advice and support from Enterprise Gateway, part of Business Link in Kent, and I hope he will get involved with other organisations such as the Kent Association of Young Entrepreneurs (KAYE) with whom we have a great link. This network of support ensures young people get the best chance they can to succeed."

For further information about The Kent Foundation visit

Can I secure some local support from these people? I'm only 36!

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This is part of my website The Folkestone Gerald that I built in a fury of excitement when I first came here in approximately 2004. I'd been a frequent visitor for a while previous to that but I am technically one of those Down From Londons you get now. The site was updated more frequently with a gig calendar and voting for favourite places + things, + I hear it was a handy resource for others who were moving here. Now Iʼve moved out of Folkestone again (though only a couple of miles) it doesnʼt get as much love as it used to. Ironic really as The town is now becoming the exciting place we knew it was about to become. I am not Gerald BTW, this comes from the name of a pretend paper in an episode of Brasseye or something, the Portsmouth Gerald, + how there is a local paper here called the Folkestone Herald. Puns like this are great arenʼt they? Do get in touch if you have anything to offer, email anythign @ this domain, or try @folkestone or @pauly on Twitter.