Blog2008 ≫ PHP 4 to 5 migration

Bit of an all encompassing thing this, I use PHP1 for work and for home, I've pretty much abandoned perl2 since I joined Holiday Extras a year and a half ago. PHP4, widely used everywhere, (including on this blog) is about to die. It's been on it's way for about three years, since the release of PHP5, but there are compatibility issues with existing code, and so even though PHP6 is on its way, everyone's stuck with PHP4 until the very last minute. I've been putting off shifting over for ages, proper head in the sand stuff, but I'm really going to have to think about it now. Got this email from the hosting company back in February:

We would like to make you aware that as of 8th August 2008, will no longer be supporting or releasing any security updates for PHP 4. Subsequently UKShells will no longer be able to support PHP4 as of that date. We strongly recommend that all users update their code to PHP5 at their earliest convenience prior to this date. UKShells, unfortunately will not be able to resolve any issues arising as a result of this code change. Further information on the subject can be found at php.net1

No problem, I don't need any support. But then this week, a slightly different mail:

We would like to remind you that as of 8th August 2008, will no longer be supporting or releasing any security updates for PHP 4. Subsequently, UKShells will no longer be able to support PHP 4 as of that date. We strongly recommend that all users update their code to PHP 5 at their earliest convenience prior to this date. UKShells, unfortunately will not be able to resolve any issues arising as a result of this code change. As PHP 4 will no longer be receiving security updates, it will thereafter be considered a security risk. Therefore, PHP 4 will removed from the UKShells platform on 8th August 2008.

I think I'll be OK, I don't have any really old code that relies on things that are no longer there by default or anything, but I'm sure there's work to do.

Turin Brakes are playing Folkestone on the day all the PHP gets turned off, there are still tickets available.

💬 RE: PHP 4 to 5 migration - 11316

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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Married + father to 2, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do mostly javascript / nodejs, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.