RE: Whole lot of interesting detail there, though you do sound a bit bitter - 10809

FG ≫ 2008 ≫ RE: Whole lot of interesting detail there, though you do sound a bit bitter - 10809

⬆️Whole lot of interesting detail there, though you do sound a bit bitter

The "Euphoria" just sounded like a gay bar, when in fact it was just another rough Folkestone dive.

I'm not bitter about anything, just don't want people wasting their hopes and cash on this money pit.

Five changes of name in six years is never good. Perhaps Mr Ramsay can sort it out. Although I think even he would wash his hands of it.

Everything has been tried to make this place a success, but nothing has worked.

It attracts people who think the so-called rejuvenation of the town will help make there fortunes. But they're sadly deluded. Godden and de Haan are the only ones making any money here.

Some might say "bleeding the town dry" as was done to Margate.

💬 Do you really think DeHaan has made any money on this yet?

⬅️ :: ➡️

This is part of my site The 'Gerald that I set up in a fury of enthusiasm when I first came to Folkestone sometime in '04. I'd been a frequent visitor for a few years previous to that but I am technically one of those Down From Londons you get nowadays. The site used to be updated more frequently with a calendar of events and voting for best venues and things, and I know it was a handy resource for others who were thinking of moving to the area. Now Iʼve moved out of Folkestone again (though only a couple of miles) it doesnʼt get as much love as it used to. Ironic really as Folkestone itself is now becoming the exciting place we always thought it was about to become. I am not Gerald BTW, this comes from a pretend paper in an episode of Brasseye or something, the Portsmouth Gerald, and how there is a local newspaper here called the Folkestone Herald. Puns like this are GRATE arenʼt they? Do contact me if you have anything to offer, email anythign @ this domain, or try @folkestone or @pauly on Twitter.