Blog2007 ≫ Magic Numbers every bit as good as I predicted

We went out, on a week day

OK my prediction of Morrissey joining them on stage was a complete fabrication, but we did get Bernard Butler appearing with them to perform "Love's a Game", which then medleyed on into "People Get Ready". They did another wacky ending of another of their songs, turning it into Kate Bush's "Running Up That Hill". Great gig, really good, having a string section added a dimension I expect (though I've not seen The 'Numbers before, and getting other artists up to join in was cool (The Smoke Fairies, nope me either, apparently they were at Meltdown though). We had to leave during the encore, think they were overrunning. Our seats weren't great, about as far back as you can be, but you get a good view in the Festival Hall anyway. A few up already, I'm just working on a bit of video footage of Bernard Butler on stage, I didn't get a whole song, maybe two minutes though. Still waiting for the full sized memory stick to arrive.

UPDATE: Video up now. It really does focus after 20 seconds or so:

Nice tea in Pizza Express before the show, we did try a few other places on the South Bank but they were all queued out the door. Mitchell and Webb were in there with a big party, all in tuxedos, think they were just on their way to or from the Comedy Awards, where they won.

Got decorators in at the moment, everything's covered in dust but they made good progress on their first day, they've repaired more of the walls and ceiling than were actually caused by the earthquake, and we get a fresh coat on all walls and ceilings.

Work Christmas lunch today, in Canterbury. I'm kind of hoping The Brewery Tavern get my food wrong so I have an excuse to nip out to Wagamama :-)

💬 Magic Numbers

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Married to Clare + father to two, I am a full stack web developr, and I do js / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home-automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.