Blog2007 ≫ TFI The Weekend

Bit of a choppy working week, but now two days respite. Which is nice. So, off to see the family in a few minutes, hence being up and about at this time.

Quiet night in last night, Brand new Rebus on TV, lots of swearing for an ITV show I thought, then new QI. Must have been filmed back to back with the one we went to, and what do you know, loads of shots of the audience.

We have been playing the QI DVD game this week. Whatever you do, don't get it, it's rubbish, even though you can get it for under four pounds now. I see there is a new one in time for this christmas1, will we fall for it again? Maybe they've learned mistakes from the last one, and this one does have Alan Davies on the cover, so maybe there's a bit more variety to it, the original one got a bit samey... We'll definitely go and see the show filmed again anyway, next year I hope.

Got an auction catalogue through the post yesterday, for Bloomsbury Auctions2 "Childrens & Illustrated Books, Private Press & Limited Editions, Original Artwork, Performing Arts", presumably because I registered before for a Harry Clarke auction. There are a couple of Harry Clarke illustrated books up for grabs, including one signed by him, guide price 400 - 600 pounds, and there are two original colour illustrations that I think I've [abe=harry clarke original art]seen previously on on ABE books[/abe]. Can we afford to bid, or even attend? No, but the catalogue is quite nice and I'll keep it in my fancy bookcase with my one [abe=harry clarke queens]Harry Clarke book I do own[/abe].

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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in A small town, Kent. Married and father to two, I'm a full stack web engineer, and I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home-automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and time travel.