Sandgate Dolphin on YouTube: DON'T WATCH IT

FG ≫ 2007 ≫ Sandgate Dolphin on YouTube: DON'T WATCH IT

OK, you can watch this footage of "Dave", the Folkestone / Sandgate dolphin on YouTube, but don't go out harrassing him to film any more, please.

At least this footage is taken from the shore, with a zoom. Seriously, don't go chasing him in a boat. Getting too close to him will ultimately result in his death, sad but true.

From the BBC:

A boat owner in Kent has defended some up-close footage of "Dave the dolphin" which has been posted on video sharing website YouTube.

The dolphin can be seen swimming around several boats and gets so close to one that an oar nearly touches him.

Marine vet Iain Cope said the footage of Folkestone's coastal tourist attraction was a cause for concern.

But Richard Tozer, whose rowing boat was used for the filming, said: "He was just coming close to the boat."

Mr Tozer insisted he would never have done anything to harm the dolphin.

5k: Five kilometres, just over three miles to you.

💬 RE: Sandgate Dolphin on YouTube: DON'T WATCH IT - 10160

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This is my site The FG that I set up in a fury of excitement when I first came to Folkestone sometime in '04. I'd been a regular visitor for a few years before that but I am technically one of those DFLs you get now. The site was a lot more dynamic with a calendar of events + voting for favourite places and things, and I know it was a handy resource for others who were thinking of moving here. Now Iʼve moved out of Folkestone again (though only a couple of miles) it doesnʼt get as much attention as it used to. Ironic really as Folkestone itself is becoming the exciting place we always thought it was just about to. I am not Gerald BTW, this comes from the name of a fake paper in an episode of The Day Today or something, the Portsmouth Gerald, + how there is a local paper here called the Folkestone Herald. Puns like this are great arenʼt they? Do contact me if you have anything to offer, email anythign @ this domain, or try @folkestone or @pauly on Twitter.