Interesting pop chart changes afoot, now downloads are eligible for the chart even if there is no corresponding CD single available. As this is a relatively new technology, changes are happening all the time I'm sure, but this is quite a meaty one. When downloads were first made eligible for the charts, they would only count if they were downloaded between the week before the phsyical hard CD single being available, and two weeks of the single being withdrawn / deleted. Now, any track can count for the charts at any time. this makes sense, and is surely another shining beacon on the path to there being no more physical singles, at least not as we know them now. This opens the door for a manipulation of the charts by bands with fans who wouldn't normally go in a record shop, and makes it theoritically easier for an artist who doesn't have a major record deal 1 to chart (particularly if they have an online following). More likely is that the chart will become flooded with back catalogue, and EVERYTHING. It'll be like the sixties again, when The Beatles occupied almost every slot in the Billboard Hot 100 at once (OK, top five and twelve others in the top 100). This is a very big change for the pop charts. First people to "benefit" are Snow Patrol, back in at number nine.
Hmm, might we see something like The Ricky Gervais show or other non musical output appearing? I've been listening to his old podcasts and things again recently. It is formulaic in places (prompt Karl to say something dumb, then squeal and squeal for ten minutes, then repeat) but it is very funny. I've just got my new super broadband connection, what else should I download? I need to get a new phone handset too, to get free calls but still have my existing number work...
In other popular culture news, two people have now quit the celebrity big brother house. Ken looked a bit old to be going through all that sort of nonsense anyway, at least no-one was foolish enough to try and give him a leg up over the wall. I'm surprised at Donny, his piss-poor Top Shop punk Bad News tribute act could have done with more publicity I would have thought. In other "things I thought before, and should have mentioned, while it was still a bit topical" news, why wasn't Face the first one to escape from the house? Did he learn nothing from his time in The A-Team? The diary room chair, the pump from the jacuzzi, I can see some sort of cutlery firing escape tank right there.
I haven't actually seen much Big Brother, honest, I learned these things from scanning the news.
Man alive it's early isn't it? I am up and about, fit as a fiddle and that, got some freelance work to get on with. Surprised to be feeling so spritely today, we did a nice long walk yesterday of eight or nine miles to Hythe and back. Dead fit, us.
💬 RE: Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes - 9892
⬅️ All information seems to be it will stop at both :: RE: Will post up a snap in a bit - 9891 ➡️
Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone, Kent. Wed to Clare + father to two, I am a full stack web engineer, + I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home-automation and other diy stuff, history, family tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.