Just caught the end of something on BBC Breakfast, advice on blogging and work, or why not to blog about work, something like that. A few sites / posts were held up as bad examples, I wasn't one of them, it was all fairly basic stuff:
I missed the rest, but in the spirit of stating the bleeding obvious I'd also add "don't confess to a crime", and "don't plot terrorism", just on the off chance anyone is reading what you wrote, and "don't try to repair a plugged in electric toaster when you are in the bath", just in case.
Maybe I should also say "If you are doing things like javascript professionally, make sure you don't put a load of wonky code on your personal site that employers etc might see". Things like that also go without saying though. My jquery skills were momentarily weakened in internet explorer! At least I think my code is working quite well on the Newsbiscuit submissions board1, you might need to be registered and logged in to see it, but you can rate stories by clicking on the stars and things. I like that, I will implement it on my hobby site when I next have some free time. Other things to implement during this semi-mythical between jobs period are Drupal2 on my sites (including some new modules and filters so as to make sure the "best" of this site keeps working,) some cool new google maps gadgets, restyling of my sites and consolodating the javascript.
So glad to have my little computer back up and running again, particularly with the wife getting a different train to me now, and my other travelling companion being out of action right now, I'm using it for watching Dexter, as well as listening to MP3s. Yesterday's listening pleasure was SO POOR though, that I'm going to have to upload it here and share it with you all tonight. It was a murder mystery radio play that I downloaded, it must be fifty years old and so I'm hoping it's out of copyright and no-one's going to complain if I share it, besides, the reason it's so bad is the grotesque shoehorning in of sponsorship. If you're subscribed to the RSS feed of this, you might even get it downloaded automatically for you as a podcast style enclosure, exciting. Stay tuned.
Is it too early to reveal my weekend plans, and indeed to let slip that I'm thinking about the weekend already? I don't think so, we're off to Tunbridge Wells again for lovely lunch and christmas shopping, then back for an evening playing pool and things in Hythe for pa-in-law's birthday.
Hey, I think I spelled "professionally" correctly first time!
javascript: Programming language of the web, mostly how I earn a wage.
⬅️ I thought things looked funny from the train last night :: Peene Railway Museum ➡️
Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Wed to Clare and dad to two, I'm a full-stack web developr, and I do javascript / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, restaurants, home-automation + other diy stuff, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and time travel.