Also youtube and google and job interviews? Was this the Malice Box?
Really bad and sad news about Paul Hunter, he was only 27 and had just become a dad, should have known things were very serious when his ranking was frozen earlier this year, that's an unusual move, though we really thought and hoped he'd recover.
Also fairly bad news from East Asia, indeed how do you solve a problem like Korea 1?
Also my interview went quite well I think, afterwards I met Clare for a fairly rubbish lunch in a pub near her work, then I bumped into a friend in the park on the way home 2:
Bizarre one about Google buying YouTube, for about eight hundred million pounds... They've only been going less than two years I think, so even if the rumours were true about them spending a million dollars a day in bandidth costs for all of that time, they're still in profit. And they've had some investment in the mean time. Why did Google not buy popex? Seems someone's filling the gap left by popex's departure:
PRESS RELEASE | Official UK Charts Company to launch Fantasy Music Manager game
Record industry vies for slice of booming interactive gaming market.
London, October 9 2006, 11.30am | The Official UK Charts Company (OCC) is to launch a new internet-based game which applies the successful Fantasy Football Manager formula to the fast-paced world of the UK music charts and offers 40,000 in prizes and tickets to The BRITs 2007.
The OCC - which is co-owned by the British recorded music trade association the BPI and the Entertainment Retailers Association - has linked up with commercial marketing agency Why Not! to create a Fantasy Music Manager game which will run over the eight weeks up to Christmas, culminating with the Christmas Number One.
The game, which allows players to select a roster of artists who then perform based on their week-by-week performance in the charts, is sponsored by Xbox 360 and will be promoted to a potential audience of 8.5m people through tie-ups with commercial radio's Hit 40 UK, games site and youth web portal Xtaster amongst others.
The OCC says that music adds a new twist to the fast-growing 10m market for fantasy gaming.
Bah. Anyone here remember popex? On the upside, if yesterday's meeting went as well as I think, I will be working on an all new game soon... Up early and online again for another interview, they're coming thick and fast now, more later this week too.
⬅️ Deadly dog flu! :: RE: - 9615 ➡️
Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Married to Clare + father to 2, I am a full-stack web engineer, + I do mostly js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.