Is that another week with nothing to say? Been a bit busy with all the eating and drinking and partying surrounding the wedding. Never mind the happy couple, let's have a picture of Clare and I looking all scrubbed up:
Can I remember precisely what I've been up to over the past week though? Thursday Clare and I went for a quick exotic foreign beach holiday, which accounts for our rosy glow in the picture above... What? Fake spray tan somewhere in Seabrook 1? Where did you hear such a scurrilous rumour? Next I dropped Clare round Jenny's for the night and picked up some family to take them to a civilised local hotel bar, for a quiet snifter. It turned into an early morning session round ours singing Irish songs, but hey, what's the night before a wedding for? Wedding morning, I had to drive back to Clare, stinking in the clothes I'd slept in, face creased with sleep and smeared with tan. I got cleaned up alright for the trip over to the ceremony at The Little Silver, and would you believe the weather? the day and night of the wedding was great, maybe some more photos and video footage to come. We stayed at the hotel, and I've no idea what time we went to bed, I'm led to believe I fell asleep in my chair again though. It's tiring being the life and soul.
The following day, everyone slept. Woken up too early at the hotel (though not early enough to actually get breakfast). We drove back from the hotel, via a hungover munchie stop in a supermarket in Ashford, and people just crashed. Not in the cars, crashed out on beds and sofas back home. I pity the fool who didn't have this option, and had to head to Reading festival (hi Emma). That night - still only Saturday night remember, rah for Friday weddings and midweek unemployment - we had a great big meal for everyone at Earl Brownes. It was big, and it was great, and I will write it all up here asap. They made special arrangements for my special needs, which is always nice. Then, after the meal, all back to Deans for a post post wedding party, not leaving again until the sun came up.
Sunday, sad day, had to see Kevin off back to the USA, and see Dom and Jen off on their honeymoon, also to the USA. It was like the end of Lord of the Rings.
Today, been up to London for a job that should have been just right for me, but the technical requirement wasn't quite what I'd been led to believe, ah well. I did see David Baddiel, on his pushbike, on Dean Street though.
Ah go on, have a picture of Dom and Jen too:
⬅️ RE: - News - RACE FOR TRAPPED DOLPHINS - 9038 :: RE: Have you seen dolphins recently off Folkestone or Sandgate? - 9041 ➡️
Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe, Kent. Wed to Clare and father to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home-automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.