Blog2006 ≫ BBC NEWS | Politics | Stags should pay for embassy help

I've been on lots of stag do's abroad (and have another two lined up, woo!) and no-one in any of our parties has been in trouble with the law. Where do they get this 24% figure from? Who did their research, was it the same people who did Family Fortunes What on earth is this all about?

Britons on stag and hen parties abroad should be charged more often when they call on UK diplomats to bail them out of trouble say MPs.

People have been charged for help in only 323 out of 84,000 cases by consulates using existing powers, says the Commons Public Accounts Committee.

Foreign Office research suggests 24% of people on stag and hen parties face problems abroad.

Officials say it is difficult to charge people who may be drunk without cash.

Surely that's the perfect reason to get drunk and spend all your money then, if it's going to be difficult to charge you! Wait, do they mean money, or criminal charges..?

UPDATE: I broke some of the styling on here, specifically the mouseover popup jobs, and it might not be clear what is a quote and what is not, I should have left well enough alone... Anything that gives the impression of being a techy mumbling to hisself is probably original, the something new and interesting every day1 will be the copied and pasted bits then.

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe in the deep South. Married + father to 2, I am a full stack web engineer, and I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubs, running, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and time travel.