Blog2006 ≫ So, super weekend

After my little Down Street excursion, we had a great weekend. Technically it was extended by half a day, but it felt very quick indeed... Started off giving the twins their birthday presents round ours, they turned five already, and seemed mostly pleased with their My Little Pony, Buckaroo, and Emu. Clare was particularly sorry to see this last one leaving our house. Yes those toys are pretty retro, they were requested and bought new though, we weren't just palming off stuff from our own childhoods... Borrowed their car, and headed to Mum and Dad's.

Got to Hampshire much later than we were expected, but the journey itself was OK. Headed off on a coach to a big family 60th birthday party, of which there are unflattering pictures galore. Mostly not of me however as I was in charge of the camera. The party was at Rocksby's, a favourite of the party host, the food was great and the wine kept flowing. Don't quite remember leaving, but I partly remember going back to my sister's house to play pool (and winning).

Sunday, big fantastic hungover lunch, with just a little time before to see some photos of my Grandma's that Dad is sorting through. Hope to get them scanned in and tagged up soon, when we can figure out who all these people are. There are pictures of her father (my great grandfather John Rainey) who I'd never seen.

All too soon the drive back to Folkestone, again no holdups or anything though. Listened to a whole lot of medium wave on the car radio to try and get a sense of what was going on in the rugby, disastrous for England. Dropped the car off, and then OBVIOUSLY a quiet night in last night, we watched Lovejoy 1 and Midsomer Murders 1, it's all crime drama on our Amazon rental list right now.

Speaking of which though, had a bizarre incident with them, got an email to say "We have received Serenity", when I knew it was still at home. I'd not sent back the wrong disk in the Serenity box either, so emailed them to say "you have messed up, here's what I sent back to you recently". Can't figure out if their reply was written by a robot or a foreign:

Firstly we would like to apologise for any inconvenience that this situation may have caused you. We are aware of this technical issue and are currently working on it.

We have now amended the information in your Rental List, and the next available title will be sent out to you as soon as possible. I am afraid at this time the DVD The Mighty Boosh - Series 1 [Disc 2 (Episodes 5-8)] has to be removed from your list. We are unable to add the DVD Serenity back to your dispatched list.

You are not required to report this issue via the website or on the DVD case stickers. You are welcome to enjoy any DVDs that you still have at home, and return them at your leisure.

The result is about right I think, but the email makes no sense at all... (UPDATE: my own quoting thing does now like quotes with line breaks in it).

Very tired today.

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Wed + father to two, I'm a full-stack web engineer, + I do mostly js / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home-automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.