Blog2006 ≫ Stag wins!

Oof, tiring weekend! Started badly Friday with super late trains. Actually, this went on all last week, our trains were late every day, Friday was worst as first I was meant to be meeting chums, who cancelled. Then I was travelling home alone as Clare had also arranged to meet friends who had not cancelled. Then my train was cancelled, cue much hanging around at Charing Cross, further delays and platform changes before finally getting home to a lonely evening of A Touch Of Frost 1, sausages, beans, and potato products.

Saturday, Ralph's stag do, back into London again. It's odd, but trains at off peak times are much faster than our commuter service, it's just an hour and twenty. Had my lunch ordered for me by pocket telephone as I was just pulling into London, so straight to Fire and Stone for a pretty nice pizza. Fellow stag doers say the service was really bad (before I got there), so when the bill came we refused to pay the service charge that had been added automatically - I've not done that before, though an optional service charge shouldn't be added automatically, particularly in a tourist trap area like that, bit naughty.

The main chunk of the day was spent at All Star Lanes 2, boutique bowling and bar and things. We were quite a crowd, and it's a small place, so there wasn't room for us all to bowl at once. The Stag dominated the game, until his dad arrived, who threw strike after strike. They are the family Flintstone and had clearly been practising like I don't know what.

Had much to drink, so when it came to 10pm and time to roll on to other bars, the homing instinct kicked in and I bailed. Didn't mean to leave for another hour, but when the beer scooter arrives it would be foolish not to jump on the back. So I got my Sunday paper at the station (on a Saturday! That's still my favourite ever thing about being in London) and read the quick journey home again, didn't even get time to finish my train beer. Why can't the commute be like this every day?

Yesterday, not too hungover, did the shopping, made the flat clean, ate, watched telly, and booked flights to MIAMI!

  1. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
  2. Removed old link here.

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Married to Clare + dad to two, I'm a full stack web engineer, + I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home-automation and other diy stuff, history, tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.