Blog2006 ≫ Weekend report

Super weekend, starting with The Mighty Boosh1 at the LCH, funny, good, we felt a bit old though, they do attract a young audience, lots of whom were dressed up. I maybe enjoyed the show a bit more than my companions, though it did feel a bit like a cobbled together string of all the funny characters from the show. It felt like that because it was that, like the TV show and the radio show before it. A few drinks after this in The Clifton, and then home to our massive telly - sorry no pictures of the telly yet, not done much computering over the weekend.

Slightly sleepless night, but only slightly. I realised quite late on that I'd left my bag in the bro-in-law's car, and he'd left his car by the Leas Cliff Hall. Every week folkestone herald seems to be full of car crime, because nothing else happens in the area, but it's a good feeling to know that no-one had put his side window in.

Saturday saw a haircut, then a bus ride to The Jackdaw for a splendid lunch, slightly hungover, but the food there sorted that out. Made a reservation for next weekend when the family are visiting, looking forward to that. Shopped a bit on our return, and achieved a few more of our planned chores; got a new office chair, booked someone to fit some swish new blinds in the flat, and something else that we STILL can't remember - we had a mental list of five items to tick off. Cooked a mighty Mexican feast for tea (nearly lost a thumb in preparation of a particularly tricky avocado though, necessitating a pale sitting down for a while for me, while Clare finished everything off. Played some cards and watched Pride and Prejudice2, the new one. It's got Keira Knightley in it, but apart from that I'm not sure what it adds to the other one2. I expect we'd spot it right away if we watched the older one on the new screen, really spotting the limitations in older TV recordings. Whoever would have thought that shows like Auf Wiedersehen Pet2 would look primitive???

Sunday saw a bit of driving around, yet another trip to the municipal recycling centre, either we're too good at recycling or we generate too much rubbish. Most of it was packing from the new stuff we've bought, it wasn't all beer cans.

Ooh, One step from a Javascript pool table3... it's an interesting demo of physical effects on BALLS, all done in javascript and html I think. In other footnotes, KISS perfume on the way4, and some sick part of me is enjoying that Dick Cheney shot a 78 year old chum, hmm yeah accidentally. Guns don't kill people, etc.

Haircut, dinner reservation, chair, blinds, I'm sure there was another one.

js: Programming language of the web, mostly how I earn a wage.

💬 The Mighty Boosh

💬 Sod the telly...

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in A small town. Wed to Clare + dad to two, I'm a full stack web developr, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, restaurants, home-automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and time travel.