Blog2005 ≫ So glad to be back...

Bah, back to work today... sorry not to ahve updated, couldn't be bothered over the weekend while we were catching up on real life. Got some honeymoon pics here, though they're not captioned up yet and might not make a lot of sense. Yes, lots of squirrels and otters and jellyfish, not too many of us. Full rundown of how each bit of California was later when I have more time, catching up on why popex horribly underperformed in terms of ads while I was away. Please go there and click around, so I don't have to look for another job.

BARELY time to report on our first weekend back, let alone the holiday... Got a lift back from Heathrow, the father in law collected us and raced back to Folkestone. Mostly we drank English tea and did washing, but we stayed up long enough for a curry. Went to The New Delhi, and they were FULL, but squeezed us in. Great meal there, and we met a couple on the next table who were on a nostalgic trip to Folkestone - they'd spent their honeymoon here fifty one years ago. Popped to Chambers for a cheeky pint after, and it was also great. Not been going there as much recently as we used to, but this time was particularly great. It was good feeling so hazy (the jet lag you understand) we were giggling and wobbling like we were on medication.

Saturday we shopped and recycled and things, and unpacked some new furniture. Then went to The Jackdaw for another GREAT meal, pies all round, really good. Then just home (significantly before closing time) and caught up with our DVD's, West Wing mostly. We've missed a few episodes of Lost, and we're unlikely to catch up on them. Nearly bought the series on region one DVD while on holiday, but decided just to gamble on one DVD box set in this way (as we don't have a region one player) and we went for Frasier... SO, how do I change the region of my DVD player, to make it play any region? Seems I can hire a disk from this site 1 for 20 quid to do it, can I not just cheekily download something for free? 2 don't have free details. The model is the LX3950, so please tell me where I can get LX3950 DVD region unlock codes...

Where was I? Hmm, I think that was the end of my weekend. Oh, Clare's brother and his NEW FIANCEE made us a blackberry and apple crumble, and we ate it. It was very nice, end of weekend, honeymoon report to come.

  1. Removed old link here.
  2. Removed old link here.

💬 LX3950 DVD region unlock codes

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Wed to Clare + dad to two, I'm a full stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home-automation and other diy stuff, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.