Blog2005 ≫ Barbecue

Nice weekend, though it didn't involve a crawl around the pubs of the harbour. Dean saw my post here about plans for Saturday evening and I don't think he was that impressed. Mostly we sat in finishing off the champagne and just went to Wards for last orders. It's pretty poor and empty there, but at least it was quite comfortable sat in their lounge corner. No trouble getting a seat in Wards.

Sunday we had a house barbecue, that we were a bit apprehensive about. We live in what we think was a school, that ws converted into ten flats some time in the 1950's. We've been there since May 2004, but haven't met many of the neighbours yet, we were maybe in London too long and speaking to strangers (apart from on the email) isn't something we've been used to. So glad we went though, we had a great time, everyone was friendly and fun. Our task for the day was to make a pudding and cook some potatoes. We did far too much of both, everyone did tonnes of food. Our main pud was strawberries in raspberry sauce, a recipe I got from my mum, basically strawberries, raspberries and sugar. Found out at the barbie that while we didn't pay the most for our flat, we didn't get the bargain that some did - someone on our side of the building paid 15k for his place, including exclusive use of the basement storage room... The building does seem to be split into a fun party socialising side, and then our side. I'm glad we were able to make it.

In technical news, I fitted a DVD burner in my PC this weekend, without a hitch, so next stop more storage! Haven't tried burning yet, but it reads disks OK so I can't see there being any probs. It will be handy for acquiring and burning a few episodes of Lost that we're going to miss while we're on honeymoon. Really enjoying that series, no spoilers please.

Raining again today, looking forward to the weekend already.

UPDATE: These pics below aren't from this barbecue, seems flickr's including the latest pics I uploaded with the tag "barbecue", might have to have a look at that!

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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe in the deep South. Married + father to two, I am a full stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubs, running, eating, home automation and other diy stuff, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.