Blog2004 ≫ Let's see those hands in the air...

The Darkness tonight at Brixton Academy, looking forward to this, haven't seen them play since the Barfly Music Passport show, this'll be only the third time this year... really wanted to see them again, couldn't face going to Wembley, so was pleased when this show came up. It's a bit odd that it's a warmup, and it's just about the biggest venue they've headlined, but they're a proper stadium act now. They make me so proud...

Enjoyed The Daily Sourcecode1, it's good to hear an international being enthusiastic about UK things, he's been raving about our mobile phones and shops and things.

Still working on some systems for the company, and have fallen into the trap again of starting a new project before signing off the old one, and now the two have merged and become a super project that it's going to be twice as hard to get shot of... it's actually more than two things for more than one company mixed together, nightmare... at least popex is running smoothly (if slowly).

Looking forward to my weekend away... got some stuff to sort out in the flat this weekend, finally got to order the blinds (while I still have some money) and have to order the fireplace today... have been hanging on hoping for a cheaper quote for scaffolding up the side of the building to drop a chimney liner in... it's a big building and there's no other way to do it so it looks like it's going to cost A GRAND. Could do without that, but it seems there's no way. Someone think of a way for me to make some extra money in a hurry - my best idea so far is not buying myself a new computer right now, I can manage without it for a while, and the fireplace is holding up the rest of the flat...

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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in A small town. Wed + dad to two, I'm a full-stack web engineer, and I do mostly js / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home automation and other diy stuff, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.