Blog2004 ≫ Splish Splash!

Boozetastic weekender in Folkestone, starting off with a shock drink in London! I rarely go out in the week any more, but popped in The Mynt Rooms for one with work chums, nice place, flash but comfortable, no ales but one pool table. Then, ONWARD, to Charing Cross and to the flat. A quick tea of penne arrabiata and then more pubbing. Tried Wetherspoons for a change. I thought it was meant for old gits, big range of cheap ales and no music, but it was heaving with let's say fresh-faced punters. So, off to Chambers... Usually on a Friday they have funk based DJ action, but this time it was ACE old school alt.disco, Beastie Boys, The Who, dry ice and dancing. Undoubtedly there was some Janes Addiction and Pixies at some point, though I didn't actually hear them. Pool table was vacant too. Got beat once by one of the victors in last week's quiz, as it turns out they play different rules to us... Two shots on the black? I ask you...

Saturday AM didn't bring the expected mushroom hunt, instead we snoozed late. Popped to Sandgate to sort out a new fireplace from Country Warmth, which I'm excited about. Ran out of time to check out the antique shops there, so as to be back for the England Wales game. I thought everyone was saying Wales were in with a chance?

Saturday evening was much anticipated, a boys night out for me, while Clare had a girls night in. Wine and new hairstyles for them, beer, pool and nearly some dancing for us. Nearly... Started in Chambers, where else, then on to The Brewery Tap. Weird place, full of Teds there for a rock'n'roll night. No ales, and a bit rough, but again a pool table. Too many kids in there, but at least they were with their parents and not drinking.

[fg=pipers]Pikers[/fg] was as it always is, but cheaper for some reason, had a few drinks and then back to a mate's for a few more. Mates were horrified that I intended to walk home the ten minutes or so through Cheriton, instead of getting a cab, but I was feeling brave. Carrying a saucepan with me gave me the extra edge I think, it had been lent out since the last mushroom expedition.

Despite being on pain of death not to wake Clare up when I got in, she didn't get in until I was fasto, and what did she do..? Lover, are you awake? ARE YOU AWAKE??? Oh, you are!

Toilet overflow is pissing out of the flat, so had some brief interaction with the neighbours, and then some panic looking for the stopcock. Have shut everything off and will keep my fingers crossed the plumbing fairies visit before I'm back in two weeks.

Bus replacement service back to London, so got a lift to Gashford instead, makes a speedy journey back to London Bridge. Roll on the high speed rail link. Mr de Haan, can you speed this on any?

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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Married + father to two, I am a full stack web developr, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home-automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.