Blog2004 ≫ Trains, tubes, and flats.

Turd of a journey in this morning, the Victoria line is out completely, which meant the train in was rammed, then Liverpool Street was closed for overcrowding as also the Central line was out... also because the Northern line is now "fixed" the journey up to Chalk Farm is slower as trains are going on the other branch now too... whinge whinge whinge. An hour and a quarter in today, with lots of changes and waiting around, the commute in is looking more feasible daily.

Still getting the property update emails, should forward them on to another chum who's looking in the area... can't remember if we saw this place1 while we were looking at properties, two beds on what looks like Castle Hill Avenue for 130k, not sure we did as this is the one that has it's own garage, and one we did see that looked like that had two bathrooms... ANYWAY, got to stop looking at properties now, the flat is all going through, deposit paid yesterday and everything, could be completing any day now... the vendor is keen to complete friday, it just depends if the "deed of variation" can be made or not... the freeholder (who is actually a company directed by all the other leaseholders) is OK with the clauses saying "no TV after 11pm" and "floors must be carpetted" being removed from the lease document... perhaps I should have asked for "ground rent to be paid promptly" to be dropped too?

Also new, there's a 3 bedroom house2, same price as our flat but doesn't look as nice, 2 bed flat in Sandgate3 for 125k (handy for Gate 284, and this flat for 125k5, it's the first flat I went to see in Kingsnorth Gardens, still on the market... nice place, could be an offer-tastic bargain in there for someone... Cheapest on this list is a 2 bed town centre flat6 for 95k.

5k: Five km, just over three miles in old money.

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Wed to Clare and dad to two, I'm a full stack web developr, and I do mostly javascript / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubbing, parkrun, restaurants, home-automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.