Message from Mark:
Hello again, People I Know In London! Just to let you know, in case you're bothered, I'm doing a Christmas Gig next Sunday (21st) at The Windmill in Brixton 1. Hooray!
It's part of a big gig put on by Last Band Standing with Chris T-T and various other people - it starts mid-afternoon, but I should be on about 8.30 ish (hopefully). It'll be a Proper Big Do, and the Windmill's lovely...
Also I shall be re-LEARNING all those Christmas Songs with audiences have traditionally endured at this time of year, it'll be lovely!
ALso, happy Christmas everyone!
⬅️ Travis and Kings of Leon :: Caroline & Paris - Fame academy ➡️
The content here originally from my very popular (in the late '90s) website Parts were contributed by other people, but mostly editorial originally created by me. I replicated this content here when popex finally shut down in the early '00s. Hope this brings back memories assuming you find it.