PopEx ≫ 2003 ≫ Press release about Download Festival

Anyone here seeing them this weekend?

Got this press release from Clear Channel, who are the promoters of the Download Festival 1...

We are huge Metallica fans at Download and would be honoured to have them performing at our festival. However, they are not confirmed to play at Download. We gather a rumour was started when we added Apocalyptica to the bill earlier this week.

So... was it meant to be a secret little show, and now it's been blown by the press 2? They are still doing a cheeky little show at Riverside Studios in Hammersmith, for Channel Four... capacity TWO HUNDRED, what is that going to be like?

  1. Removed old downloadfestival.co.uk link here.
  2. They did actually play a "secret" set at Download 2003 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/2954682.stm

⬅️ :: ➡️

The content here originally from my very popular (in the tail end of the '90s) site popex.com. Some of this written by other people, so mostly editorial originally created by me. I shifted this content here when the website finally closed down at the start of the '00s. Hope this brings back memories if you read this.