If you wanna be a adored, buy someone this...
I knew if I kept at this interweb lark long enough, then I'd start getting sent free stuff that was worth having... it's not a product that needs introducing, let alone reviewing, but The Very Best Of The Stone Roses1 is much appreciated, ta...
It opens with "I Wanna Be Adored" and closes with "I Am The Resurrection", what more do you need to know? It's nicely packaged with a booklet covering the history of the band with pictures and that, like a cut down version of John Robb's book1. Maybe you could take it along to read at John Squire's forthcoming gigs, in case it's not as good as it should be?
Nice one. Right, now who's going to send me a free copy of Attack of the Clones1?
⬅️ Phil Datsun :: Feeder launch do ➡️
The content here originally from my popular (in the tail end of the '90s) site popex.com. Some of this written by other people, but mainly originally created by me. I moved the content here here when popex finally closed down in the early 2000s. Hopefully this ignites memories if you read this.