PopEx ≫ 2001 ≫ Hair Today, Gong Tomorrow

PopEx changes, and non-changes regarding ATD-I, Aaliyah and Cardigans...

Although At The Drive-In are definitely splitting into two camps now (according to nme.com1 anyway), they're not going to be removed from popEx - divis that would have gone to either of the new bands will stay with ATDI.

In other changes; Aaliyah, terribly sad, but I'm not removing her from the market either. Also The Cardigans have been replaced by A Camp2.

Just to clarify the At The Drive-In situation, here is a nice chart:

Hair Today, Gong Tomorrow No, I'm Sparta
Omar Rodriguez and Cedric Bixler will be known as prog rock combo "Mars Volta" Jim Ward, Paul Hinojos and Tony Hajjar will rock out under the monicker "Sparta"

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The content here originally from my very popular (in the tail end of the '90s) site popex.com. Some of this contributed by valued punters, but mostly editorial originally created by me. I replicated this content here when popex finally closed down in the early '00s. Hope this brings back memories assuming you find it.