He's the man who influenced the world...
David Bowie heads up the results of a survey carried out by NME, where they've asked various modern young people's pop "artistes" who their biggest influences were... Mazza Manson and Radiohead went for Bowie...
Second only to Bowie are The Beatles, but that has no bearing on popex, so let's skip swiftly on to Radiohead at 3, a surprising Eminem at 8, and The Smiths at 10...
Full results and quite probably other stuff in today's super soaraway Big Rock Weakly.
This content originally from my very popular (in the late '90s) website popex.com. Some of this written by valued punters, but mainly originally created by me. I shifted this content here when popex finally closed down at the start of the noughties. Hope this ignites memories if you find it.