PopEx ≫ 2000 ≫ Night of a MILLION, BILLION prizes...

Maybe I should have saved some of these for a slower news day?

Maybe I should have saved some of these for a slower news day? No, now is as good a time as any to dish out the FREE SCALARAMA TICKETS especially with the raging "Who is better; Nirvana or the Wedding Present?" discussion that's going on on the discussion forum...

In case you missed it, we just had a competition with a nice easy question to win one of three pairs of tickets to the fantastic Scalarama II all dayer, at The Scala on Saturday...

Only HALF of you got the question right, even though the answer was clearly on the Scalarama website, the Fighting Cocks aren't playing the gig, Baxendale, Cuban Boys, Jacques, Gallon Drunk, tompaulin, Whistler, The Chemistry Experiment and several others will be... G Hawkins, "Rafe", and "pid" are the lucky winners (why don't people use real names here?), there's still some tickets available, if you weren't lucky, seeya there...

Why was this relevant to the discussion? Oh yeah, the mighty [artist]DAVID GEDGE[/b] is DJing on the day...

I think The Weddoes are just in the lead...


💬 Scalarama 2

⬅️ :: ➡️

This content originally from my popular (in the tail end of the '90s) site popex.com. Parts were contributed by other people, but mainly originally created by me. I shifted this content here when popex eventually closed down at the start of the noughties. Hopefully this ignites memories (if you find it).