PopEx ≫ 2009 ≫ Get intimate with Russell Brand

Tonight at Finchley Arts Depot 1. I can't even make any money off that 2, that one's a freebie just for you. Get in quick. Lots more dates scheduled nationally but that one is a bit smaller than usual.

Get Russell Brand tickets here 3...

  1. Removed old seetickets.com/see/price.asp?code=374622&userid={388A7C6A-658B-4FBD-A168-23165F8E3B97}&filler1=see&filler2=week link here.
  2. So this one actually posted by me I suppose, though this is not what this "stalking heads" board was originally about.
  3. Previously this would have been a neatly included table of available tickets.

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Celeb spotting action, not actual stalking. Gotta catch them all! Originally a popular feature of my site popex.com, so mostly from the early noughties. 99% contributed by other people. Hopefully now with some bonus location content that was lost for a while.