12 Bar, Denmark Street, Soho, see you there...
Fresh from the exciting news that he's to be Steve Lamacq's Euro 2004 correspondent, MJ Hibbett1 blesses London town with another live appearance. He'll be bringing his guitar and clutch of modern epics to the 12 Bar, Denmark Street, Soho.
You also get the treat of seeing me there (not performing, just appreciating and drinking) and I would suspect there'll be a chance to get the new CD, and a "Hey Hey 16k" t-shirt or two.
See mjhibbett.com1 for more info, see the amusing video at b3ta.com2 and check out the t-shirts at ntk.net3.
This content originally from my popular (in the late nineties) website popex.com. Some of this contributed by other people, but mainly originally written by me. I shifted this content here when the website finally closed down at the start of the noughties. Hopefully this ignites memories if anyone sees this.