Sounds like Ali's taxi firm from 'stenders, but they're alright by us!
Big up this week to Oz Tabs1, a site of Australian guitar tablature (huhuhuh, do you like, play it upside-down!?!OMG!LOL!!!), well guitar tab for Antipodean acts... they've done a GOOD THING in putting a link to popex on their artist pages (like this one for Grinspoon2, so their site is up to date with the latest popex price for the artist...
YOU TOO can do this, by following the instructions following the instructions here, then when people join up, you'll get a bonus share of their divis, as you'll be their mentor... don't worry, you have no further responsibilities after this point! That price updater link banner graphic thing can display for any band that's on popex too...
I know lots more of you have done this already, thanks, I have to single out Oz Tabs2 for praise today though, as they've sent hundreds of punters our way in the last 24 hours...
⬅️ So, is Black Steel due a rerelease then? :: RE: Pictures of you - 1039 ➡️
This content originally from my very popular (in the tail end of the 1990s) site Some of this contributed by other people, but mostly editorial originally written by me. I moved the content here here when the website finally shut down in the early '00s. Hopefully this ignites memories (assuming anyone sees this).