Hmm1, confusingly there is another Darkness biography out in March, also called Permission to Rock2, but this time by Kerrang's Jason Arnopp2... this one is subtitled "the unofficial biography", whereas surely it is just "an unofficial biography", and not even the first one... Dick Porter2 has already released a book called Permission to Rock2, I got it for Christmas, not read it yet, but it does give us a bit of a mention3. The ultimate will be Dave Owen's authorised book4, whenever it is eventually released5, but in the mean time please buy this book2 or the other one2, following those links, and earning me a few pence.
Also, don't forget MJ Hibbett is on BBC Radio 6 on New Years Day, about 3pm... if you listen closely you will hear my harmonious backing vocals...
⬅️ Kings of Leon secret gig :: RE: Runtime error 5:at 0040437 F - 694 ➡️
This content originally from my popular (in the tail end of the nineties) site Some of this contributed by valued punters, so mainly originally created by me. I moved the content here here when the website finally shut down in the early 2000s. Hopefully this ignites memories if you find it.