How will they replace Casino Royale..?
They're killing off Casino Royale! Got word from the Ambassador himself, that while on the one hand we can all celebrate the fifth birthday of London's most sophisticated club night, we also mourn it's passing, as this Saturday will be the last ever Casino Royale.
See it out in style, with Casino Royale DJs old and new, surprises, cake and an orgy of over-indulgence. You can get tickets here, or find out more at 1. Though it's a bit late now really.
AHA, there is a bright side,
From next Saturday, a new event, Transmission, will be starting at The Barfly. DJing on the opening night will be "Six man tag team" The Cooper Temple Clause, Tim Love Lee and a Fun Lovin' Criminal, not sure who... you can get tickets here, and I recommend you do, though I earn no commission from those : (
Tickets for the Cooper Temple clause here, for their November tour, taking in Bristol, Norwich, Glasgow, Manchester, Portsmouth, London, Birmingham and Leeds... Man I love the Coopers, I apologise unreservedly for being mean about them in the past.
⬅️ Bryan McFathead(Fadden) :: A night out in Stoke Newington ➡️
This content originally from my very popular (in the tail end of the '90s) site Some of this contributed by other people, but mostly editorial originally created by me. I moved the content here here when the website eventually closed down at the start of the 2000s. Hope this ignites memories (if you find it).