Wherever I lay my phone that's my home, SFA OK!
Super Furry Animals 1 are set to extend their unique attitude to their music and technology via mobile. Phantom Power 1 will be accompanied with the latest developments in mobile including an SFA branded java platform game available to download to compatible phones from their website phantom-power.com. Super Furries are also taking part in an "artist MMS trial" throughout July and August. Users of these services will be able to access a Super Furry Animals artist package including news, band information, music clips from the new album/DVD and photos. Other forthcoming SFA mobile activities include i-melody/voice ringtones, colour screensavers, and text quizzes.
Not sure if any of this is free, or if it's all going to be a big old earner for the networks, but I'm sure it's exciting news nonetheless.
Visitors to the site can currently access a new advance album download track every week. These downloads time out after 5 plays and require fans to join the SFA email newsletter to gain access... The aim is to give fans advance access to the album and reduce the need for them to access illegal file sharing services. The forthcoming single, Golden Retriever, will also be available as a paid-for-download on then 0D2 service from July 14th...
Hmm, thanks for the album, but I'm not running any more of this press release as I just read that SFA are advertising across a load of websites starting from today... they're not advertising here though, cheers.
This content originally from my very popular (in the late '90s) website popex.com. Some of this contributed by other people, but mostly editorial originally created by me. I moved this content here when the website eventually closed down in the early 2000s. Hopefully this ignites memories (if you find it).