PopEx ≫ 2003 ≫ Hens Teeth

Ah, the opening track to my favourite album... no that's not it, this is about TurboNegro and the Darkness and that.

Some news from Tremendous Mike:

A lucky few of you may own our (Must Destroy's 1)rare as hen's teeth 7"s by the International) Noise Conspiracy and The Von Bondies. Most of you, however, will not. And you don't stand hardly any chance now either (unless your'e willing to cough up the bucks for an E-bay purchase).

Don't make that mistake again. Make sure you're their when the doors to your local record store open on 5th August to get yourself copies of the next pair of super limited 7"s.

They are: TURBONEGRO 'Get It On' / 'Rock Against Ass' double A-side. Tremendous Mike asked his pals at Turbomansions and Burning Heart Records if they fancied the idea of a UK-only 7".. Just to remind people what an awesome album Apocalypse Dudes is. They said yes. So here it is.

There's no real 'point' to it.. Other than to be able to say we did it. Get one while theyr'e going. Cos there really isn't many!!

LOGH 'Ghosts' / 'White As Snow' 'Ghosts' is taken from Logh's Must Destroy album 'Every Time A Bell Rings, An Angel Gets His Wings' 'White As Snow' is previously unreleased.

This lovely 7" is limited to 300 copies!!! And, what's more, 100 of them are lovely WHITE VINYL!

ALSO (hello, Pauly back again now), don't forget the Darkness album is out today, get yours signed at HMV today, if you live in London Village that is... did you hear them on XFM this morning? I did, ROCK...

  1. Removed old mustdestroymusic.com link here.

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The content here originally from my very popular (in the tail end of the '90s) website popex.com. Parts were written by valued punters, so mostly editorial originally created by me. I replicated this content here when popex eventually closed down in the early '00s. Hope this brings back memories assuming you find it.