PopEx ≫ 2003 ≫ It's rubbish, but it's for charity

New Warchild album, Avril and David Bowie together at last...

 1 There's a new Warchild album out, it's called Hope, and if you buy it money will be raised for the children of Iraq. Not all the money, but the net proceeds after the deduction fof manufacturing costs, licensing costs, mechanical royalty fees, third party marketing, promotion and advertising costs. I don't get paid, but I did get a free copy of the album.

It's all very low key, slightly gloomy and folky sounding stuff, in keeping with the spirit of children having their arms and legs blown off I suppose.

I quite like Avril Lavigne's version of "Knocking on Heaven's Door", but not so much Ronan's version of "In The Ghetto". Some songs should definitely be "listed", like buildings are, so toss pots like that can't mess with them.

That is the end of my review, sorry I have been neglecting popex recently, hope you are all well.

  1. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

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The content here originally from my very popular (in the tail end of the '90s) site popex.com. Parts were written by other people, so mostly editorial originally created by me. I moved this content here when popex eventually closed down at the start of the '00s. Hopefully this brings back memories assuming you find it.