Ho ho ho, see you down the Barfly...
Hello, hope the season finds you all well and that you have PLANS for New Years Eve... if you are in that London and would like to buy me a drink you can find me at "Where's Your Head At", which is split between The Enterprise and The Barfly (TPCVKA 1 The Monarch) details of how to get tickets and that at clubautomatic.co.uk
PS Sorry, did I not say there would be very short divis over Christmas? I'm back in work on Tuesday.
Bonus content here 2 as this originally had some html in it so you can see it here in the raw:
Hello, hope the season finds you all well and that you have PLANS for [New Years Eve](/wiki/#new/year)...
if you are in that [London](/wiki/#london) and would like to buy me a drink you can find me at
"Where's Your Head At", which is split between [The Enterprise](/wiki/#enterprise) and
[The Barfly](/wiki/#barfly) (TPCVKA<small><super>*</super></small> [The Monarch](/wiki/#barfly))
details of how to get tickets and that at clubautomatic.co.uk
PS Sorry, did I not say there would be very short [divis](/wiki/#shares) over [Christmas](/wiki/#christmas)?
I'm back in [work](/wiki/#work) on Tuesday.
<small><super>*</super>The pub / club / venue formerly known as</small>
⬅️ Santa Claus
This content originally from my very popular (in the tail end of the '90s) website popex.com. Some of this contributed by other people, but mainly originally created by me. I replicated this content here when popex finally closed down in the early '00s. Hope this brings back memories assuming you find it.