Your Love Means Everything. No, that's the name of the album...
This Faultline album 1 is special guest-TASTIC... Faultline is David Kosten, and he's gathered some of his celebrity golfing (possibly) chums around him for this second outing, including Chris Martin, Wayne Coyne and Michael Stipe...
Faultline - Your Love Means Everything 1
Thankyou for everything else I found rammed in my pigeon hole on my brief return from exile... more later...
⬅️ Darkness Tour! :: G'n'R play Scotland too! ➡️
This content originally from my popular (in the tail end of the '90s) website Parts were contributed by valued punters, but mainly originally created by me. I moved the content here here when the website finally closed down in the early 2000s. Hopefully this ignites memories assuming you read this.