You missed it... question is, did I? Don't miss the next one...
Yeah Yeah Yeahs play Trash tonight, no advance tickets and no guestlist by all accounts, so it's a free for all... only question is, when are they on?
I hear they may not be on until 1am, but to be sure of getting in you want to be there at 8.30pm... is it worth going along? I'm too old for this "staying out after dark" lark, do I have a chance1? They are VERY worth seeing if you get the chance, check out my last experience here2...
Trash is at The End, West Central Street, That London... Best guide to it on the web is at IRLondon3 probably...
Also, I just spoke to Whiz, it's her birthday today, she says Hi and so does Sammy...
If you can't make that, maybe you'll enjoy this gig... Seeya there...
⬅️ Iggy Iggy, show us your biggie :: Reckon I'm not going to go to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs now ➡️
This content originally from my popular (in the tail end of the '90s) website Some of this contributed by other people, but mainly originally created by me. I shifted this content here when the website finally closed down at the start of the '00s. Hope this brings back memories (assuming you find it).