Get the X-Press2 single...
<img align=left border=0src="" width=130 height=130>1 Skint records have launched a campaign to knock Gareth Gates from the number one spot... their "X-Press2" single "Lazy" (the Talking Heads one), is out this week, and to be honest, they'd like to be number one.
It seems to be a two horse race, Unchained Melody or Lazy for the top,
"Let's put a proper song and club anthemn at the top of the charts amount of money in our pockets!" they possibly meant to say.
Click here for the full force of Skint encouraging you to buy the single2, and then click here to buy it1... Their album Muzikium1 is up for grabs too... Cheers...
⬅️ Span @ Metro :: Foz is BACK! ➡️
This content originally from my very popular (in the tail end of the '90s) site Some of this written by valued punters, but mostly editorial originally created by me. I replicated this content here when popex finally closed down in the early '00s. Hopefully this ignites memories if you find it.