24 Hour Party People Club Night...
24 Hour Party People "Do" is tonight at ULU...
There is an "official club promo night" for the film at ULU (Malet St, London) tonight (Friday 22nd of March)... there will be a load of giveaways of merchandising and music of the film, and it's only three quid to get in... Disk Jockeying comes from Eko and Jared, from the biggest indie clubs in town, and beer is at student union prices.
Buy the soundtrack album1 (featuring Joy Division, New Order, Happy Mondays, 808 State etc) and the book by Tony Wilson1...
I've got a t-shirt now with Steve Coogan as Tony Wilson on it, and the word "TWAT"... nice...
⬅️ Sorry, no divis this week :: Campaign for Proper Indie ➡️
This content originally from my very popular (in the tail end of the '90s) website popex.com. Parts were contributed by other people, but mainly originally created by me. I moved the content here here when the website eventually closed down in the early 2000s. Hope this ignites memories (if you find it).