Portsmouth only, competition possibly closed by now.
Want a pair of tickets to see Chemical Brothers in Portsmouth on 19 March (Tuesday)?
The question to this competition is: Chemical Brothers next single "Come With Us" (released 22 April) will be remixed by which heavy weight DJ?
Email your answer do chemicalbrothers@popex.com and I'll pick a winner at Random on Monday morning... The gig's in Portsmouth remember, so please don't enter if you have no intention of going there...
⬅️ T In The Park :: 24 Hour Party People ➡️
This content originally from my popular (in the tail end of the '90s) website popex.com. Parts were contributed by other people, so mainly originally created by me. I moved the content here here when popex finally closed down at the start of the 2000s. Hopefully this ignites memories (assuming you find it).